本地记录 云端记录


拥有天生哭泣能力的灵渊小灵官孟忧(李子璇 饰),因意外放走了没喝忘忧汤的李不归(张赫 饰),让灵渊及姥姥陷入了困境。为弥补过失以及挽救姥姥的生命,孟忧主动请缨去到青川完成灌汤的任务。然而手不能提、 肩不能抗的孟忧来到青川,却发现李不归已是青川第杀手,武功奇高。为了接近李不归且顺利完成任务,孟忧开始了段撒泼打滚,胡搅蛮缠的灌汤之路。



    梦魇绝镇 第三季
    FROM unravels the mystery of a nightmarish town that traps all those who enter. As the unwilling residents fight to keep a sense of normalcy and search for a way out, they must also survive the threats of the surrounding forest – including the terrifying creatures that come out when the sun goes down. In the wake of Season Two’s epic cliffhanger, escape will become a tantalizing and very real possibility as the true nature of the town comes into focus, and the townspeople go on offense against the myriad horrors surrounding them.
    斗破苍穹 第五季·动态漫