本地记录 云端记录


萧炎,主人公,萧家历史上空前绝后的斗气修炼天才。4岁就开始修炼斗之气,10岁拥有了九段斗之气,11岁突破十段斗之气,一跃成为家族百年来最年轻的斗者。然而在12岁那年,他却“丧失”了修炼能力,只拥有三段斗之气。整整三年时间,家族冷遇,旁人轻视,被未婚妻退婚……种种打击接踵而至。 就在他即将绝望的时候,一缕幽魂从他手上的戒指里浮现,一扇全新的大门在面前开启!萧炎重新成为家族年轻一辈中的佼佼者,受到众人的仰慕,他却不满足于此。为了一雪退婚带来的耻辱,萧炎来到了魔兽山脉,在药老的帮助下,进一步提升自己的修炼级别……



    梦魇绝镇 第三季
    FROM unravels the mystery of a nightmarish town that traps all those who enter. As the unwilling residents fight to keep a sense of normalcy and search for a way out, they must also survive the threats of the surrounding forest – including the terrifying creatures that come out when the sun goes down. In the wake of Season Two’s epic cliffhanger, escape will become a tantalizing and very real possibility as the true nature of the town comes into focus, and the townspeople go on offense against the myriad horrors surrounding them.
    斗破苍穹 第五季·动态漫