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居住在纽约的女诗人罗丝•伊利亚特(Irene Miracle 饰),某日在古书店买到一本由拉丁文写就的建筑类书籍。书中称这个世界上曾存在三个邪恶之母,它们四处散播恐怖与痛苦,最后分别为建筑师镇在罗马、纽约以及德国的弗莱堡的三个建筑中。罗丝怀疑她所居住的公寓便是书中提及的一处,她一面写信向远在罗马的弟弟马克(Leigh McCloskey 饰),随后自己则只身走入地下室一探究竟。  收到信的马克与姐姐通话,然而电话却突然中断。他连忙赶至纽约,得知姐姐业已失踪。不得已,马克开始四处打探关于这本古书背后的秘密……
在一场兄弟会和妇女联谊会联合举办的派对上,新人杰夫•雷德(Peter Barton彼得•巴顿 饰)、赛斯(Vincent Van Patten 文森特•范•派顿 饰)与妇女会的马蒂(Linda Blair 琳达•布雷尔 饰)一伙相约前往盖斯庄园过夜,以此作为他们的入会庆典。   当地传说,12年前盖斯庄园的主人狂性大发,先后杀死妻子及4个可爱的孩子,随后上吊自杀;已有说法称,盖斯的小儿子安德鲁在那场惨剧中生还,并藏身庄园某处。孟浪的青年们无视传说,大胆走入这片禁忌的园地,迎接他们的将是恶梦一般的恐怖之夜……
贪欲和邪念横行世间,愚蠢的人类不断开发大规模杀伤性武器,原子弹、氢弹,甚至足以毁灭地球和宇宙的太阳弹也在开发之中。某高度发达的外太空文明为了阻止地球人的自毁行为,想尽办法进行劝阻。但地球人拒绝外星人的规劝和存在,转而兵戎相向。万般无奈之下,外星长官依洛(Dudley Manlove 饰)启动第九号计划,将已死去的人类复活,让僵尸四处为虐已警示人类。  一时间飞碟和凶案接连出现,军方、警方以及民间纷纷联合起来,以摧毁外星人的入侵计划……
摩斯探长 第九季
Felix McClure, an Oxford University professor, is stabbed to death in his college study. Not only was he an expert in his field but he was one of the University's key fund-raisers. The investigation focuses on Brooks, a one-time cleaner for McClure who quit his college job abruptly after a student, Mathew Rodway, jumped out of a college window high on drugs. When Morse learns that Brooks' daughter was the object of affection for both Rodway and another student, he has another possible suspect. Brooks' wife also worked for one of McClure's friends and Morse uncovers a conspiracy that he may not be able to prove.
糊涂侦探 第五季
Maxwell Smart is back ... and loving it! And so is Agent 99, The Chief and the rest of the fearless Get Smart gang. Here is the legendary, Emmyr Award-winning spy-spoof series inspired by the comic genius of Mel Brooks and Buck Henry, digitally restored, remastered and brought to you on DVD. Now it's easier than ever to out-smart the world's least secret...secret agent, in this cunningly funny 4-DVD collection, featuring all 26 episodes of Get Smart's fifth hit season. So if the object of your mission is timeless family comedy...grab your shoe phone and get ready...for Get Smart!
飞天大盗 第五季
偷盗是门手艺,更是艺术。   Albert老谋深算,是团队中的长者,更是“下诱饵”的那个人。   Mickey Stone 是队伍的青年领袖,负责全局谋划。   Danny 和 Stacie 07年之后就离开队伍了。换了一男一女。Sean Kennedy和Emma Kennedy。   ---------------------------------------------   HUSTLE   Thursday 08 January   9:00pm - 10:00pm   BBC1   There are a dozen reasons to find Hustle infuriating, but somehow it always manages to float above them and become enjoyable. As series five begins, the usual quirks are there: a plot made of brightly coloured Sticklebricks, characters mugging at the camera, a fatal fondness for flashbacks and Adrian Lester delivering his lines as if it were an elocution contest. And if that weren't enough, there's another hitch: Marc Warren and Jaime Murray have left the series, and losing two-fifths of your lead cast would dent any drama. So with Danny and Stacey "still in the States" after the Las Vegas finale of the last series, and Albert (Robert Vaughn) in prison, Mickey (Lester) is looking to assemble a new crew, with the help of Ash (Robert Glenister) - still the only one you could almost believe, if you half-closed your eyes, might be a con man. Luckily, Albert has found a tempting mark to get them started.   VIDEO Plus+: 9595   Episode written by Tony Jordan   Cast   Mickey "Bricks" Stone - Adrian Lester   Ash Morgan - Robert Glenister   Sean Kennedy - Matt Di Angelo   Emma Kennedy - Kelly Adams   Albert Stroller - Robert Vaughn   Eddie - Rob Jarvis   Cyclops - Bill Bailey   Neil Ryder - Johnny Phillips   Rory - David Kennedy   Prison guard - Gary Cargill   Roger Levell - Steve Hope Wynne   Martha - Leena Dhingra   Gary - David Semark
俄國文豪果戈里短篇《鼻子》與作曲家蕭士塔科維奇同名歌劇結合,第一幕是軍 官尋找大鼻子的荒謬故事,第二幕戲謔史太林與作家布爾加科夫的嘻嘻關係,第 三幕緬懷被處決的敢言藝術家與科學家,追憶不畏極權的先烈。歌劇《鼻子》曾 被史太林禁演,七十年代解封,動畫大師哥沙諾夫斯基(《DAU. 娜塔莎之劫》導 演的父親)耗時半世紀,包羅蘇俄文學、音樂和政治,融會多種動畫技藝。其氣 魄之大,嘲諷之強,無愧為結合劇情、傳記、滑稽劇和音樂劇的前衛動畫鉅作。
街舞营业中 第六季