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Rebels on Pointe is the first-ever, cinéma vérité documentary film celebrating Les Ballets Trockadero de Monte Carlo -- the all male, drag ballet company founded over 40 years ago on the heels of New York's Stonewall riots. The company has performed in over 500 cities and 33 countries, and has a cult following around the world. The film juxtaposes exclusive, behind-the-scenes access and intimate, character-driven stories of its dancers, highlighted by amazing performances shot around the world. Rebels on Pointe ultimately celebrates our shared humanity through universal themes of identity, dreams, family, love, loss, determination and resilience... proving that a ballerina is not merely a woman dancing, but an act of revolution in a tutu.
Timeshift charts the evolution of the British postage stamp and examines how these sticky little labels became a national obsession. Like many of us, writer and presenter Andrew Martin collected stamps when he was young, and now he returns to that lost world to unpeel the history of iconic stamps like the Penny Black and the Blue Mauritius, study famous collectors like King George V and the enigmatic Count Phillip de Ferrary, and to meet present-day philatelists at a stamp club.
有人,在面对恐慌和未知时勇敢拉响警报;有人,在举步维艰的条件下与死神争分夺秒;有人,在困境中守望施援,重唤人们对美好与希望的向往。在武汉——这座英雄之城,每个人都在努力做对的事,以他们的真心、无畏和正直,助力打赢这场疫情防控的人民战争。新华社记者勇闯“红区” ,60多位记者“疫”线拍摄。首部武汉战疫2个月全景纪录片,一部感天动地的中国抗“疫”群英谱。
In 1995, the young Taiwanese woman writer Qiu Miaojin committed suicide in Paris’s Montmartre district, leaving behind the autobiographical novel LAST WORDS IN MONTMARTRE. Two decades later, the novel was published in English by the prestigious New York Review Books, bringing Qiu renown in Western literary circles and quickly prompting translations into other European languages. Qiu is considered the first openly lesbian novelist in the history of Chinese literature; her debut novel, NOTES OF A CROCODILE, became a “Bible” for the Taiwanese lesbian community and an underground classic in Taiwan and Hong Kong, with an official edition finally published in 2012. DEATH IN MONTMARTRE travels through Taiwan, Paris, and New York to trace the life of this literary star who enjoyed fame only after her death, interviewing literary masters from Taiwan, France, and the U.S. while discussing LGBTQ culture and lesbian literature from a perspective of equality.
在2015年1月,米其林双星荣誉与餐饮业界公认全世界排名第一,丹麦哥本哈根的「诺玛」(Noma)餐厅,在其神厨雷尼瑞哲匹 (René Rezepi)大胆尝试之下,暂时关闭5周,全体人马移师东京,在低调奢华的文华东方酒店,首度将东亚饮食美学,与诺玛经典之「在地有机」料理哲学,做了一次天人合一的完美尝试。   身为美国时代杂志 (Time Magazine) 尊为全球最具影响力之餐饮界人物之一,神厨雷尼以北欧严谨专注但直言不谓的性格著称。他点头允许荷兰裔美食电影导演Maurice Dekkers独家纪录这一段在异乡炉灶重启的过程。在他与团队人员跌撞摸索的过程中,如何将日本纯朴新鲜的在地食材,透过诺玛经典之极简精緻料理烹饪,最后呈现在14道风格多元,华丽明豔餐点裡,打造出东西合璧的平衡与美味。   「神厨东京壮游记」运用了细腻但流畅的手法,轻鬆却不戏谑的角度,生动捕捉住这段奇妙的美食盛宴之旅...
In an abandoned theater, French actress Marina Vlady recites from Borges' "The Immortal"... Japanese research scientist Shin Kubota sings praises to the "immortal jellyfish"... Milan Duomo workers subject the cathedral's exquisite statues to perpetual regeneration... Swiss musician/inventors Felix Rohner and Sabina Schärer persistently refine their percussion instrument, the Hang... Native American community leaders Leola One Feather and Moses Brings Plenty preserve the centuries-old spiritual resistance of their tribe...   Filmmakers Massimo D'Anolfi and Martina Parenti pay tribute to humankind's aspirations for immortality by showing us a portrait of our efforts to overcome our own limits. They share their discoveries in a visual symphony to the power and harmony of nature's elements: water, earth, air and fire. From Milan to Wounded Knee, USA, from Bern to Shirahama, Japan, the traces of the filmmakers' travels spiral into a symbol of perfection and infinity: Spira Mirabilis.
网络上流传着关于“挠痒”的神秘竞技,一个同志想参与这场“挠痒痒大赛”却被告知此运动仅限直男。记者大卫·法里尔(David Farrier)深入探寻后发现“挠痒”的背后是一条完整的灰色产业链,这其中不仅有挠痒视频的制作方对演员的压榨与侵害,甚至还能看到美国由金钱操纵的阶级制度的冰山 一角。 本片曾获得2016年第32界圣丹斯电影节世界电影单元纪录片评审团大奖提名。   一场“挠痒”的运动,却让人笑不 出来。
YouTube博主西奥公主与一位特殊粉丝的故事。   西奥公主本名萨曼莎·蒙哥马利(Samantha Montgomery),38岁的她独自一人居住在新奥尔良最底层的街区之一。   白天她的工作是陪护老人;到了晚上她就化身西奥公主,在观众稀少的开麦之夜引吭高歌,并将自己的原创自制无伴奏清唱片段发布在YouTube上,可通常只拥有少数几个观众。   她的粉丝之一,是一位生活在特拉维夫郊外基布兹的以色列音乐家。他整理了世界各地的YouTube视频来创作新的音乐作品。   时运不济的西奥公主并不知道自己已经被这个来自地球另一端的人选中,并将被展示给数百万观众。
狗子原本是一名非常优秀的女足运动员,但命运却在TA身上开了无数次的玩笑。在患罕见病的11年间,TA病危6次,瘫痪11次,失聪4次。但TA却用一种逗趣的生活态度野蛮生长着。   同志,残障,爱情,亲情,生命以及活着,让TA不断寻找着真实的自己!
在这个世界上有各种各样的令人惊叹的动物,然而我们认为其中的一些非常特别。我们喜爱它们的大眼睛或者毛茸茸的脸庞;我们也为它们发出的声音以及他们挪动的方式而倾倒:有谁不喜欢摇摆前行的企鹅的?戈登·布坎南(Gordon Buchanan)一辈子都在拍摄野生动物;他试图揭开为何我们会对这些动物有着强烈的情感的原因。
Eric Rohmer导演关于Louis Lumière的纪录片。访谈了法国导演Jean Renoir与电影手册创始人Henri Langlois。其中有很多珍贵的早期影像。
Jeff Huang, takes the road less traveled for leaving behind a lucrative job in finance to become a Mixed Martial Artist at the age of 33. When life doesn't go according to the plan, will Jeff waver in the path he's chosen?
Professor Bettany Hughes investigates the story of Bacchus, god of wine, revelry, theatre and excess, travelling to Georgia, Jordan, Greece and Britain to discover his origins and his presence in the modern world, and explore how 'losing oneself' plays a vital role in the development of civilisation.   In this fascinating journey, Bettany begins in Georgia where she discovers evidence of the world's oldest wine production, and the role it may have played in building communities. In Athens she reveals Bacchus's pivotal role in a society where his ecstatic worship was embraced by all classes, and most importantly women. On Cyprus she uncovers startling parallels between Bacchus and Christ. Finally, Bettany follows the god's modern embrace in Nietzsche's philosophy, experimental theatre and the hedonistic hippie movement to conclude that, while this god of ecstasy is worthy of contemporary reconsideration, it is vital to heed the warning of the ancients - "MEDEN AGAN" - nothing in excess.
位于玻利维亚的乌尤尼盐原是全球最大的盐滩,放眼望去是一望无际的偌大白色平原。莫希斯与他的家人世世代代以採盐维生,他无法想像远离家乡到外地生活的日子,然而这个化外之地正面临巨大转变,政府决定建设试验工厂,开採电池的必备原料——锂矿,计划在未来扩大产能,生产单车和电动车电池。各国相继投资这个未来的新兴市场,期待蕴藏丰富锂矿的玻利维亚成为「21世纪的沙乌地阿拉伯」。   几世纪以前,西班牙殖民者掏光了波托西里科山的银矿,让当地人一贫如洗,至此波利维亚开始重视财富与利润。莫希斯居住的城镇科尔查尼,附近兴建了国际机场,络绎不绝的旅客等不及一看究竟这个世界奇景,使得镇上旅游观光业兴盛。交通便利也导致盐的要价不如从前,莫希斯的哥哥从採盐人变成手工艺匠,他的妻子学习美髮,想要到大城市展开新生活。现代化看似带来富饶的未来,但莫希斯却因为必须改变原本的生活方式感到担忧。   本片是一段充满诗意的旅程,透过採盐人莫希斯的双眼,探究如何在传统和发展之间寻找身分认同。