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哈瑞(理查德·威德马克 Richard Widmark 饰)是一名卑微的皮条客,然而,他从来都没有满足于现状过,而是不断地想找到能够发家致富的门道。一次偶然中,哈瑞结识了名叫乔治(Stanislaus Zbyszko 饰)的摔跤运动员,两人一拍即合,决定组织一场摔跤比赛以谋取暴利。  哈瑞找来了当红摔跤手史瑞乐(Mike Mazurki 饰)对阵乔治的手下尼古拉斯(Ken Richmond 饰),一时间,这场巅峰对决成为了当地人人乐道的传奇。哈瑞的高调惹恼了垄断当地摔跤比赛收益的黑帮,除此之外,乔治的儿子也对哈瑞表示了强烈的不满,与此同时,酒吧老板菲力(Francis L. Sullivan 饰)亦想借此机会除掉这个和自己老婆海伦(乔姬·韦瑟斯 Googie Withers 饰)有一腿的无赖。一场意外的发生让乔治不幸去世,也让哈瑞惹上了杀身之祸。
Sir Karell Borotyn appears to have been killed by Count Mora, a vampire believed to haunt the local village. Now his daughter Irena is the count's next target. Enter Professor Zelen, an expert on vampires who's sent in to prevent her death. At the same time, secrets are revealed surrounding the circumstances of Sir Karell's death.
Cole , George , Ingrid , Kate , O'Mara , Pitt
Londoner Ronnie embarks on a journey to India when his mother, Suleka, goes missing and mysteriously ends up in a Kolkata hospital. Before Ronnie can unravel the mystery of what brought his mother back to her homeland, Suleka dies in an apparent cult killing. Further deaths point to a series of past murders that stopped 28 years ago when Suleka left India with her infant son. Until now.  As the darkness within Ronnie grows and the murders reach their peak, all roads lead to the feared witch of Kolkata's insane asylum.
Ricardo , Valle , 孔拉多·圣马丁 , 霍华德·沃侬
玛高扎塔·施莫夫兹卡([面目])执导,拉菲·卡西迪、米契尔·哈思曼、丹妮斯·高夫主演英语新片[另一只羔羊](The Other Lamb,暂译)宣布杀青。该片讲述一位名叫塞拉的年轻女子,她是在一个叫做“羊群”的宗教崇拜氛围中长大的。在她参加通过仪式后,她对教会及教义的看法发生了变化。凯瑟琳·S·麦克马伦操刀剧本,该片先前在爱尔兰进行拍摄。
香港尖沙咀区内的一家廉价宾馆海洋宾馆这天来了一个少女(白田久子饰),她说自己叫霗,来找自己的卵生姐姐浅。老板昌叔夫妇听见后大吃一惊,但是包括其他住客在内,大家都一致否认见过中村浅。  但是霗来到宾馆的当晚,经营三流模特儿公司的住客阿龙突然暴毙,然后是昌叔夫妇、妓女苏丝、毒品拆家东尼,无一幸免。前来调查的探员政查出了浅死亡的真相——浅从日本到香港娱乐圈发展,到电视台试镜时以为遇上自己值得爱的男人东尼。谁知道东尼转身用一包白粉的价格把她卖给了别人。浅被强奸,与强奸的人打斗时,整整一个公寓的人,都冷眼旁观。没有一个人出言相劝,没有一个人出来阻止。政最终找到了她的尸体,但是从调查得来的资料看,浅是独生女,根本就没有什么孪生姐妹。  那,霗是谁?
人近中年的秋场文作(渡部笃郎 饰),早于九年前入赘成为县议员的女婿,雄才大略却寄人篱下,而今只能委身在某大型电器集团乡下的分厂担任课长。某天,秋场在总部意外重逢十年前曾有过交往的后辈野关利江(长谷川京子 饰),如今已是会长身边权倾朝野的红人。虽相隔多年,但爱火在他们彼此心中重燃。在利江的缜密安排下,秋场开始得到会长的赏识,似乎人生也出现了转机。只是肉欲爱恋,终是过眼云烟,为了短暂的激情与欢愉,身处荆棘丛中无法抽身的秋场不惜将自己推向危险的斜面。冷艳芳卉,随风凋零……  本片根据推理名家松本清张的同名原著改编,为松本清张去世二十周年纪念作品。
A reclusive circus master invites a group of social media stars to his house of haunts. Anyone who can make it out before being scared into submission will earn $250,000 - but the stars soon learn they are not only competing for money, but also fighting for their lives.
Robin and Jenna are getting married. Robin is excited beyond words; Jenna is plagued by panic attacks and struggles to write her vows. But when they arrive at their secluded fairy-tale venue, sinister forces besiege them, threatening to tear them apart.
This early 70's giallo by Umberto Lenzi is certainly among the best in his filmography and also in the whole genre. Personally I think Lenzi's best films are the funny cartoon-turned-film Kriminal, the stylish giallo Seven Blood-Stained Orchids, the explosive Napoli violenta and this. In the eighties he did plenty of film trash in form of Eaten Alive, Hitcher in the Dark or Black Demons, all of which are ripping something off andor very dull and slow moving. Knife of Ice came when the giallo boom was at its hottest and the result is convincing.  Technically the film is superb, containing great cinematography in the beginning when we learn about the main character's trauma towards trains. From this point on, Lenzi shows us his ability to benefit the widescreen and, for example, the bicycle ride near the forest is genuinely beautiful! This scene also shows Lenzi's ability to build suspense, very slowly but meaningfully. After all, there aren't so many murders in the whole film, only the suspense circulating around the murderer's identity.  One suspect is a devil worshipper which brings new aspects to the mystery. Since the final scene takes place in a church, one can wonder if Lenzi wanted to comment on something, maybe the hypocritical morale of church and superstition. The main character (Carrol Baker) is mute which demands a lot from her face and eyes. The actress works very well, giving us a believable performance circulating around the emotions of fear and mental pain. The other actors are good, too. The finally, however, may not give too positive a sight about female sex since they all are expressed rather negatively in the film, one way or another. Still this is easily among the most noteworthy in the genre, not as bloody as the Argento films, for example, but equally suspenseful and visually also interesting.
A city PR girl goes on the run accused of leaking information from the military supply company where she works. Chased by ex-soldiers she hides with her brother, a member of a shadowy hacker group, and has to choose between her luxury life - and the Redistributors.