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一个可怜的小女孩在厕所里遭到后母虐打,这位后母随后被谋杀了。随后不断发生了连环神秘谋杀事件。凶手被锁定是一名女性,凶手留下的唯一线索是一幅奥罗拉公主贴画。吴警察(文成根 饰)越深入调查案件,便越觉得凶手是他的前妻郑顺贞(严正花 饰)。  这场连环杀人案件是一场复仇计划。多年前,郑顺贞与吴警察的只有6岁的女儿被奸杀碎尸,辩方律师却以凶手有精神问题为理由,是凶手躲过制裁。  被杀害的数人只是前奏,郑顺贞最终的目标是要杀掉当年的那个辩方律师。郑顺贞竟公开了杀人的现场,警察与传媒大众的注意力都集中在郊外的某个垃圾场。
孤独的幸存者 Lone Survivor[电影解说]
阿富汗国会大选召开在即,为了保证大选的顺利进行,美国海军陆战队联合特种部队对辖区进行一系列彻底的清查。在某个动荡的地区,前塔利班头目艾哈迈德·沙赫趁机做大,成为了一个美国急欲除掉的眼中钉。根据线报,沙赫的武装部队隐藏在某个山区,海豹侦察小队中尉麦克·墨菲(泰勒·克奇 Taylor Kitsch 饰)带领丹尼·迪茨(埃米尔·赫斯基 Emile Hirsch 饰)、麦特·阿克塞尔森(本·福斯特 Ben Foster 饰)以及马库斯·拉特尔(马克·沃尔伯格 Mark Wahlberg 饰)三名队员前去搜寻情报。但是他们的行踪很快被当地的牧羊人发现,虽然对方是普通的平民,可却为小队提出了难题。处决牧羊人,小队将面临军事法庭的审判;释放牧羊人,这四个美国军人将可能陷入前所未有的灭顶之灾中…… 本片根据马库斯·拉特尔(Marcus Luttrell)的同名回忆录改编。
小农夫 Petit Paysan[电影解说]
皮埃尔是一位30 岁的奶农,他的生活中,只有自己接管的家庭农场、奶牛,以及当兽医的姐姐和他的父母。法国突然出现的“疯牛病”病例打破了皮埃尔的平静生活。在新闻报道疫情正在蔓延,也可能会在他的奶牛中蔓延开来时,皮埃尔不惜采取一切措施来隐瞒疫情,避免他的农场和生活整体大崩盘。最后,在姐姐的帮助下,皮埃尔找回了理智,寻找方法来解决问题。
小森林 夏秋篇 リトル・フォレスト 夏・秋[电影解说]
平凡女孩市子(桥本爱 饰)自幼生长在位于日本东北地区的村庄小森。这里远离都市的喧嚣和浮躁,为青山绿水所环绕,俨然一个幽静怡然的世外桃源。村民们日出而作,日落而息,依靠一双勤劳的双手经营渺小却舒适的生活,与世无争。市子曾经前往东京闯荡,只不过她终究无法适应都市快节奏的步伐,最终回到了妈妈早已不在的老宅。童年时妈妈福子利用山川田野各种食材做出胡乱命名的美食,实心眼的市子在感叹受骗之余,也将美好的回忆留在了味蕾深处。仿佛遵循着母亲的步伐,她将对故乡的热爱融入了美食的烹制中。在朋友佑太(三浦贵大 饰)和吉子(松冈茉优 饰)的环绕下,享受着无忧无虑的人生…… 本片根据五十岚大介的漫画改编。
小飞侠彼得潘 Peter Pan[电影解说]
这是一个小女孩的冒险故事,生活在维多利亚时代的女孩温迪(雷切尔·霍伍德 饰),出生在压抑的环境中,还整天被一个呆板顽固的父亲,扼杀她童年的快乐和梦想。温迪的好朋友约翰和米高,也遭受着同样的痛苦,他们梦想着有一天,能够学会在天上飞,这样他们就可以飞离令他们讨厌的家了。 终于有一个黑暗的夜晚,长着乳牙的小飞侠彼得·潘(杰里米·森普特 饰),飞到了他们的窗前,说要教会他们飞翔,带他们去一个美丽的地方。温迪、约翰和米高都高兴极了,于是,他们很快就跟着小飞侠学会了飞,而且飞到了一个美丽的海岛——梦幻岛。 原来,小飞侠是梦幻岛上永远也长不大的调皮小孩,他和小仙子一起生活在这个岛上,但两个人觉得多少有点寂寞,于是就请来了云蒂他们三个梦想飞的人类小孩。 飞到梦幻岛,温迪立刻被这个美丽而神秘的海岛吸引住了,这里有茂密的丛林、高大的树木,还有野蛮的印第安人,以及横行附近海面的坏蛋海盗。小飞侠带着温迪他们找到了六、七个隐蔽的树洞,这就是他们在梦幻岛上的家,平时他们在海盗的深处探险,晚上累了就回到树洞休息游戏。 温迪、约翰和米高本来可以在梦幻岛开心地嬉戏玩乐,和小飞侠与小仙女两位神秘朋友快乐的生活,优哉游哉,岂料,无恶不作的海盗铁钩船长(詹森·艾萨克 饰)带着他的一帮海盗前来大肆破坏。勇敢的小飞侠,这次要营救他的好朋友离开梦幻岛,为此他要与铁钩船长展开一轮激战……
我家的野生动物 第一季
我的下位来宾鼎鼎大名 第一季
著名主持人大卫·莱特曼联合Netflix打造的系列剧集《我的下位来宾鼎鼎大名》(My Next Guest Needs No Introduction With David Letterman)发布先导预告,一探主持节目的台前幕后。1月12日播出首集,共6集,二月—六月每月播出一集。莱特曼采访过的名人多不胜数,乔治·克鲁尼、马拉拉·优素福·扎伊、Jay-Z、蒂娜·菲、霍华德·斯特恩以及美国前总统奥巴马等。
学习如何在日益拥挤的星球上生存也许是我们人类的终极挑战,但有一个地方,拥有的世界人口六分之一印度,人们却特别适应生活在这么拥挤的土地上。这个系列高清纪录片将带我们进入印度最密集的地区加尔各答和孟买,了解这里人们的生活现状及生存压力。   BBC 2012年播出,用3集记录印度的底层人如何在人多地少的环境中工作。印度现在有人口 12亿,占世界的六分之一,每个家庭都有很多孩子,对于穷人来讲,这可是一个很大的负担,看看印度人是如何在他们的国土上为了生活奋斗的。   Learning how to survive on an increasingly crowded planet is probably our ultimate challenge. But there is one place, home to over a sixth of the world's population, which is already making a good shot at adapting: welcome to India. This observational series casts aside the usual preconceptions about the sub-continent, and lets a few of India's 1.2 billion show how their world really works.   With astonishing access into the densest districts of Kolkata and Mumbai, it celebrates the impressive resourcefulness, resilience and absolute pragmatism of those living and working there, and reveals the psyche needed to get ahead in the biggest of crowds.   Part 1.   This episode follows two main characters as they employ all their ingenuity to carve out a home. With more people moving to cities in India than anywhere else on earth, securing that place you can call home is vital for nurturing your family's future.   Part 2.   Johora started out as a rag-picker, but through building a bottle recycling business on a railway embankment, she has big ambitions for her family of seven kids. And it is not just small waste. Kanye uses a blowtorch to cut up ships discarded by the rest of the world, helping satisfy India's thirst for steel. And Ashik buys up beef fat from the abattoir, and proudly renders it down to make tallow. It looks disgusting, even before he is plagued by a maggot infestation. But this thrifty use of 'waste' may well be destined for your soap or cosmetics.   Part 3.   With India destined to become the most populous nation on earth by 2026, you have got to be highly tactical in your search for a better life. It is not just about you and your dreams today - it is about the family over generations to come. Prakash and Mangesh are brothers in their early twenties from an illegal settlement surrounded by the buzz of downtown Mumbai. Prakash is deckhand on a yacht while striving to realise his dream and launch a Bollywood career. But his family make it clear his sole purpose is to earn enough to fund in their joint future: his brother Mangesh's course in software engineering. Swapan, a merchant in a hectic fish market, works so hard for his family's future that his wife knows he is ruining his health. And Sujit, who crafts disposable clay tea cups in Kolkata, hardly dares dream of seeing his family hundreds of miles away.
Docu-drama exploring well-known conflicts from the perspective of the soldiers involved.   Episode Guide   Season 1 Episode 6:   Screaming Eagles in Afghanistan   How the 101st Airborne Division, also known as the Screaming Eagles, faced the Taliban in Afghanistan during Operation Dragon Strike in 2010   Season 1 Episode 5:   Beheading the Taliban   How American soldiers faced an intense battle in September 2006 against nearly 1,000 Taliban fighters in Afghanistan   Season 1 Episode 4:   Road to Baghdad   Documentary that captures the conflict from the American soldier's point of view in the 21-day bloody battle for Baghdad   Season 1 Episode 3:   Tet Offensive   Docu-drama examining the Tet Offensive of 1968, during which an elite band of US Special Operations troops was called in to rescue civilians trapped in the border town of Chau Doc   Season 1 Episode 2:   Fallujah   Docu-drama recalling Operation Phantom Fury in 2004, launched by the US and its allies to counter extremists in Fallujah, one of Iraq's most volatile cities   Season 1 Episode 1:   Search & Destroy   Docu-drama exploring well-known conflicts from the perspective of the soldiers involved. In the first edition, troops of the US 4th Infantry Division run into a massive force of Vietnamese soldiers on the Cambodian border in 1967
第90届奥斯卡金像奖于美国时间2018年3月4日在好莱坞杜比剧院举行颁奖典礼,届时由ABC频道转播,吉米·坎摩尔担任主持人。   【获奖名单】 https://site.douban.com/oscar/room/39739415/   【奖项条目】 https://movie.douban.com/awards/Oscar/90/
The cast reunite to look back over a decade of such fun, friendship, romance and everything that made millions of fans connect with this unique and very special sitcom.
伦敦伊朗大使馆遭劫事件,沙木尼雪崩救援行动,布莱顿炸弹事件,这些都是成为全球头条新闻的救援行动,然而置身其中的感受又是如何?身为伸出援手的救援人员,他们的每个决定都可能决定生死,身为无法自保的当事人,只能绝望地等待救援。本系列节目将为观众重现这些千钧一发的时刻。紧急救援实录 Rescue Emergency: 蒙特洛克雪崩1999年2月9日下午2点40分,法国的阿尔卑斯山区发生了一场严重雪崩,重达30万立方米的积雪,以每小时150公里的速度往山下崩落,摧毁了小村庄蒙特洛克
亚历桑德拉·安布罗休 , 伊弗科·斯特姆 , 凯特瑞娜·巴尔夫 , 凯莉·罗兰 , 卡罗琳·里贝罗 , 卡罗莱娜·科库娃 , 卡门·卡斯 , 吉赛尔·邦辰 , 娜奥米·坎贝尔 , 安娜·贝琪兹·巴罗斯 , 尤金尼娅·沃洛丁娜 , 布里姬特·豪尔 , 弗兰基·蕾德 , 拉奎尔·齐默曼 , 林赛·弗里蒙德特 , 欧鲁奇·昂维巴 , 泰拉·班克斯 , 海蒂·克鲁姆 , 碧昂丝 , 米歇尔·阿尔维斯 , 莉亚·科贝德 , 费尔南达·塔瓦雷斯 , 阿德瑞娜·利玛 , 马克·安东尼 , 黛维·卓根
Brazilian comic Rodrigo Marques discusses a particularly crazy trip to a famous archipelago, his life traumas and more in this stand-up special
考拉的秘密生活 第一季
Despite needing 18-21 hours of sleep a day , koalas are still capable of startling displays of energy, agility and aggression--especially around mating season. Get a closer look at the surprisingly rich and unexpected hidden lives of these iconic Australian marsupials in their natural habitat.
Exploring the role and symbolic meaning of the Crown Jewels in the centuries-old coronation ceremony, The Coronation shows these objects of astonishing beauty in new high-resolution footage. The film tells the extraordinary story of St Edward's Crown, which was destroyed after the English Civil War and remade for the Coronation of Charles II in 1661. It has only been worn by Her Majesty once, at the moment she was crowned.   On 2 June 1953, on one of the coldest June days of the century and after 16 months of planning, The Queen set out from Buckingham Palace to be crowned at Westminster Abbey, watched by millions of people throughout the world. A ceremony dating back more than a thousand years was to mark the dawn of a new Elizabethan age.   Viewing both private and official film footage, The Queen recalls the day when the weight of both St Edward's Crown and the hopes and expectations of a country recovering from war were on her shoulders, as the nation looked to their 27 year-old Queen to lead them into a new era.   In the film, The Queen says: 「I've seen one Coronation, and been the recipient in the other, which is pretty remarkable.」   For audiences unfamiliar with the story of the Crown Jewels and the regalia, the film explains their contemporary relevance to the UK as a nation and to the enduring purpose and the work of monarchy. They are symbols of the relationship between the Sovereign and the people, and the duties and responsibilities of leadership.   The film also features eyewitness accounts of those who participated in the 1953 Coronation, including a maid of honour who nearly fainted in the Abbey, and a 12 year-old choirboy who was left to sing solo when his overwhelmed colleagues lost their voices.