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派拉蒙公司周五宣布曾获得第79届奥斯卡奖最佳纪录长片的《难以忽视的真相》续集《难以忽视的真相II》将于明年1月在圣丹斯电影节首映。  《难以忽视的真相》导演戴维斯·古根海姆巧妙地把全球变暖的种种自然现象与戈尔先生的个人历史,以及他长期以来致力于警示和改善全球变暖现象的行动交织在一起,构成了一部具有强烈震撼力的纪录片。作为一名资深的环保主义者,戈尔先生在本片中用一个具有思考深度和令人注目的方式,向大家展示了大量有关全球变暖给人类带来巨大危害的无可争议的事实和信息。而在续集中,阿尔·戈尔将探讨全球变暖正在逐步扩大的问题,并提出目前拥有的解决方案。  续集将于2017年1月在圣丹斯电影节上首映。圣丹斯电影节方面表示,影片将对保护环境变化起到重要作用。
导演亚历山大·纳诺(Alexander Nanau)跟随罗马尼亚报纸Gazeta Sporturilor的一个精锐调查小组,试图揭露一起巨大的医疗欺诈行为,这些欺诈行为让大亨和政客致富,并导致无辜公民死亡。
《雕像也会死亡》(Les statues meurent aussi,阿兰·雷乃、克里斯·马尔凯,1953年出品,27分钟)尖锐地批评了西方殖民主义对非洲传统艺术的戕害以及自称热爱非洲艺术的上等阶层的贪婪与伪善。本片的主角是来自黑非洲的人物雕像、面具和其他非洲艺术品,但是它们的演出场所并非黑人的故乡,而是白人的欧洲,艺术品市场和艺术品拍卖会是它们频频出没和滞留的中转地。这些本来被非洲部族用来抵抗死亡的面具和雕像,如今却呆在博物馆的橱窗里静静地死去。此时,画外音告诉我们:“当人死去的时候,他便进入了历史;当这些雕像死去的时候,它们进入了艺术;这种关于死亡的学问,我们最后称之为文化。”由于本片具有鲜明而强烈的社会批判意识,自拍竣之日起即遭到法国政府禁映,直到1963年才解禁。本片由长于剪辑的阿兰·雷乃操刀剪辑,由强于写作的克里斯·马尔凯撰写解说,充分发挥了两人各自的强项,可谓强强合作的结晶。   This collaborative film, banned for more than a decade by French censors as an attack on French colonialism (and now available only in shortened form), is a deeply felt study of African art and the decline it underwent as a result of its contact with Western civilization. Marker's characteristically witty and thoughtful commentary is combined with images of a stark formal beauty in this passionate outcry against the fate of an art that was once integral to communal life but became debased as it fell victim to the demands of another culture.
This new feature-length biographical film tells the extraordinary and dramatic story of the planet's most famous living scientist, told for the first time in his own words and by those closest to him. Made with unique access to his private life, this is an intimate and moving journey into Stephen Hawking's past and present. Interviewees include Stephen Hawking's sister Mary, his ex-wife Jane, carers and students, as well as colleagues such as Roger Penrose, plus Apollo astronaut Buzz Aldrin, actors Benedict Cumberbatch and Jim Carrey, and Sir Richard Branson This inspirational portrait of an iconic figure relates Hawking's incredible personal journey from boyhood underachiever to scientific genius and multi-million-selling author. And it charts how he overcame being diagnosed with motor neurone disease - and being given just two years to live - to make amazing scientific discoveries and become a symbol of triumph over adversity. Born exactly 300 years after the death of Galileo, Hawking grew up in a family some regarded as eccentric. Always asking questions, he was nicknamed 'Einstein' at school. Hawking blossomed at Oxford, although he only spent an hour a day studying. He noticed that he was becoming clumsy and fell over for no apparent reason. He was diagnosed with motor neurone disease, but nevertheless started a family and embarked on his academic career, finding himself at the heart of a searing scientific debate about the origins of the universe. And as he lost the use of his body, Hawking had to find new ways to think. He went on to write the huge bestseller A Brief History of Time, and the film reveals the high and lows of his resulting fame and fortune.
Lucy Worsley traces the forgotten and fascinating story of the young Mozart's adventures in Georgian London. Arriving in 1764 as an eight-year-old boy, London held the promise of unrivalled musical opportunity. But in telling the telling the tale of Mozart's strange and unexpected encounters, Lucy reveals how life wasn't easy for the little boy in a big bustling city.   With the demands of a royal performance, the humiliation of playing keyboard tricks in a London pub, a near fatal illness and finding himself heckled on the streets, it was a lot for a child to take. But London would prove pivotal, for it was here that the young Mozart made his musical breakthrough, blossoming from a precocious performer into a powerful new composer.   Lucy reveals that it was on British soil that Mozart composed his first ever symphony and, with the help of a bespoke performance, she explores how Mozart's experiences in London inspired his colossal achievement. But what should have earned him rapturous applause and the highest acclaim ended in suspicion, intrigue and accusations of fraud.
Lucy Worsley tells the story of Britain’s royals and photography. It’s a tale that begins with Albert and Victoria’s enthusiasm for having their pictures taken – and for taking pictures. Closer to our own time, such figures as Princess Margaret, often photographed by her husband, Lord Snowden, and Princess Diana loom large.
影片改编自英国女作家维拉·布里顿(Vera Brittain)成书于1933年的同名回忆录改编,回顾了她本人在一战期间的生活经历,以及她走向反战主义的心路历程。片中布里顿本人由瑞典新星艾丽西卡·维坎德饰演,哈灵顿将出演她的初恋情人。
许多政治家都经历过政治生涯走下坡路的故事,但是很少有电影能够完全捕捉到像政客韦纳这种深刻且非常滑稽的一面。随着对安东尼·韦纳本人和他的家庭,以及他的纽约市长竞选团队的前所未有的采访,这部电影纪录了即将崩塌的政治事件。故事开始于前国会议员始料未及的重返政坛,但随着韦纳被迫承认新发色情短信的指控,故事又急转直下。媒体不停地挖掘和曝光他的一举一动,韦纳拼命想开拓进取,但是越来越大的压力和严重的24小时连续的新闻报道葬送了他的政治抱负。   韦纳的这场政治闹剧和个人的悲剧,揭露了前国会议员的傲慢,同时也批判了媒体对其家人攻击的丑陋一面。在纽约市这个响亮而热闹的大背景下,这部影片以一种无比坚定的、幽默而感伤的方式揭示出日益多见的政治运动的本质。
韓戰終結於1953年7月27日上午10時,雙方在板門店簽下《朝鮮停戰協定》。一切又重新歸零,留下非武裝區和北緯38度線。由於參戰雙方簽署的是停戰協定而非和平條約,因此從國際法上來講,這場戰爭尚未結束——南北韓迄今仍是交戰狀態。   在北韓,儘管基礎設施全毀,金日成仍迅速監督國家的全面蛻變。在韓戰結束後,因為有蘇聯和共產中國的大量援助,北韓經濟迅速發展。在停戰後的50年代到60年代初,北韓的經濟成長明顯地優於南韓。但到了1960年代末和70年代初,南韓開始現代化,經濟起飛。蘇聯在1990年與南韓建立外交關係,中國也在1992年跟進。外交上被孤立的北韓,各方面都無法和南韓並駕齊驅,於是,北韓政權只好研發核武來保全自己。   美國多次警告北韓,川普甚至在聯合國威脅要徹底毀滅北韓,但其實美國早在韓戰時就將北韓徹底毀滅過了。韓戰的歷史恰證明了,以武力殲滅對手,從來無法真正解決問題,恐怕還讓問題更加嚴重——比起七十年前,如今核彈威力更大,威脅也更加緊迫。和平的希望終究還是在於韓國自身。兩國領導人在交戰七十年之後,終於在2018年4月恢復對談,簽訂《板門店宣言》,希望建立永久和平機制。南北韓統一的崎嶇命運會如何發展呢?這是南北韓的歷史功課,也緊繫著全球的核武安全。
讲述了比利·吉本斯、达斯迪·希尔和弗兰克·比尔德如何成为这个星球上最大、最受欢迎的乐队之一的故事,同时保持着超现实主义的神秘感,在乐队成立50年后仍然吸引着歌迷和旁观者。通过坦率的乐队采访、前所未见的档案、动画、名人粉丝的推荐(比利·鲍勃·桑顿、乔舒亚·霍姆斯等),以及专门为这部纪录片拍摄的传奇格鲁恩音乐厅(Gruene Hall)的一场私人演出,“那个小老乐队”的表演包罗万象,从荒谬到辛酸,从肮脏的德克萨斯州酒吧到MTV的英雄表演,都是为了庆祝这个出了名的私密,但比生命更重要的三人组合。片尾那支来自德州的小乐队揭开了一个非同寻常的故事,我们知道他们的形象,却不知道他们的故事。
詹姆斯·莫里森(James Morrison,1932-2020年)是苏格兰最有天赋的画家之一。 安东尼·巴克斯特(弗林特)在詹姆斯因视力下降和身体状况不佳而苦苦挣扎的最后两年里,为他拍摄了影片。 结果是对这名男子及其遗产的喜爱,深情的肖像,在他的职业生涯中获得了荣耀,其中包括生动地描绘了格拉斯哥的生活,苏格兰海洋和天空的雷鸣般的肖像,冬天的巴黎以及他在北极的工作。 这部电影以Catriona Black的可爱动画和Karine Polwart的优美配乐反映了莫里森的个性和才华。
For thousands of years, humans have believed that there were once flying monsters. But did they really exist beyond our nightmares? 220 million years ago dinosaurs were beginning their domination of Earth. But another group of reptiles was about to make an extraordinary leap: pterosaurs were taking control of the skies. The story of how and why these mysterious creatures took to the air is more fantastical than any fiction. In Flying Monsters, David Attenborough the worlds leading naturalist, sets out to uncover the truth about the enigmatic pterosaurs, whose wingspans of up to 40 feet were equal to that of a modern day jet plane. Attenborough works with scientists to understand the incredible story of the evolution of the pterosaurs, a story that unfolds in such stunning locations as New Mexico, the Jurassic Coast of Lyme Regis in Britain, an ancient pterosaur landing site in Southern France and a fossil pit in Germany where near perfect pterosaur specimens have been found. The central question and one of the greatest mysteries in palaeontology is: how and why did pterosaurs fly? How did lizards the size of giraffes defy gravity and soar through prehistoric skies? Driven by the information he finds as he attempts to answer these questions, Attenborough starts to unravel one of sciences more enduring mysteries, discovering that the marvel of pterosaur flight has evolutionary echoes that resonate even today. Flying Monsters is a groundbreaking film that uses cutting-edge 3D technology and CGI to bring the story of giant flying monsters and their prehistoric world to life. Audiences of all ages will be in awe as they enter the world and experience, as never before, REAL Flying Monsters in HD.